The Ten Month Beat

An account of the ten months at the graduate school of journalism for the class of 2006.


G-Mail Problems

Does anyone else at the school use g-mail? If so, are you having problems logging on from on campus (or off?).

The J-School is my only computer resource right now, and I haven't been able to log on to g-mail (or, really, to even access the gmail page) since yesterday morning, and am wondering if this is just a "me thing" problem, or are other people encountering this too?


  • At 3:46 PM, Blogger thepaperboy said…

    As soon as I complain it starts working.

  • At 10:48 AM, Blogger Inihtar said…

    i've had problems too on campus, ed. I usually have to do a google search for Gmail and go through that, coz otherwise, it keeps saying that the page is not found.


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